Thursday, January 10, 2008

Short entry, so don't get your hopes up!

Kate, Phil, and I are in Ooty, Tamil Nadu right now! It's the former main hill station for the British in this area. It's gorgeous!! Our hotel has a communal fire place area where I have sat around late at night (we don't act like teenagers anymore so "late at night" is 8:30......yep) and everyone has an interesting story! People are really open because we all have at least something in common - we came to India for some reason, and everyone wants to know why everyone else is there. Most people are at some sort of cross-roads in their lives - usually late 20s, early 30s......quit a job because they were unsatisfied is a normal story - and now they're here to figure things out or see some of the world like they've always wanted before they launch into the next chapter of their lives. During the day we've been exploring the beautiful and hilly surrounding area....yesterday we hiked to the tallest point in South India - where the Eastern and Western Ghats meet! Look us up on the was quite an adventure. Good to have some fresh air after Mumbai, too.....though we could see the horizon and the "pollution horizon" quite clearly in the distance.
Well, we're headed to Kerala Palakkad to meet up with Deepa and her family, and then it's Sikkim. I'm wishing we had more time to travel now! So I will just have to return.



Ashok said...

In Palakkad, we live at the edge of civilisation. So don't miss the local walk -- weave your way around paddy fields, the canal, the ponds, the temple...oooh! Recommended time: 0530 hrs. Welcome to Kerala.

Sarah said...

Alice, thanks for the update. I hope you can come visit us while Kate is here and we can hear more of your stories and see some photos or slides. Happy travels your last 2 weeks! Sarah & Jen

peach said...

Thanks for another interesting post!